The Direction Company
Managed IT Solutions
Total network peace of mind.
Security Best PracticeS & Compliance Simplified!
PCI DSS Compliance​
Performing regular PCI DSS security health checks, can assist your business in protecting your customers' private data, guard against data breaches and avoid costly fines.
Package Includes:
Initial Data Collection: One of the most challenging aspects of ensuring that your organization is in compliance with PCI is gathering and organizing the vast amount of data that must be collected from a variety of sources.
CDE ID and Deep Scan: A PCI Deep Scan, which includes a "deep-dive" Primary Account Number (PAN) scans.
Secondary Data Collection: Correlate Deep Scan data with initial scan data to flush out gaps or discrepancies.
Remediation: Document and prioritize issues to address and correct PCI related security vulnerabilities.
Document Exceptions: Compensating Controls Worksheet
Validate Compliance: Produce the necessary key documents as "proof" of compliance with PCI.
Network & Security Assessments
Business networks are constantly at risk. There are too many ways that a network can be compromised to leave it to chance that nothing wrong is going on "behind the scenes".
Package Includes:
N & S Risk Report: Executive-level report including a proprietary Security Risk Score along with summary charts, graphs and an explanation of the risks found in the N & S scans.
N & S Policy Report: A detailed review of the security policies that are in place on both a domain wide and local machine basis.
Outbound N & S Report: Highlights deviation from industry standards.
External Vulnerabilities Report: A comprehensive output including security holes, warnings, and informational items that can help you make better network security decisions, plus a full Port Scan which checks all 65,535 ports and reports which are open. This is an essential item for many standard security compliance reports.
N & S Remediation: Document and correct the issues determined for remediation.